There is something special about the Cadet program that engages and animates boys ages 7-14. It may be skills learned or crafts made, but it certainly includes the Calvary Counselors who are positive role models, engaging and challenging the boys.
A cadet evening is busy with crafts (like woodworking), badge work, Bible lessons in small groups, and is really just a lot of fun. Counselors help the cadets build and create some amazing crafts. The boys also learn outdoor skills which help them appreciate God’s creation and their place in it. Those skills are put to the test in friendly competitions with other clubs through the Snow Derby and Cadet-a-rama (complete with a cub car derby).
Most of all, God’s love is shared with the boys, and each boy is encouraged to grow in his relationship to Jesus. Cadets are also challenged to live their lives serving God, their families, the cadet club and their neighbours.
Cadets meet every other Friday (7:00-9:00 p.m.) from September until April. We have a joint program with Calvin CRC and, currently, the cadets meet there.

Cadets visit a fire station for a badge

Cadets construct their
own canoe.