Welcome to our church!
We invite you to come and visit and experience community with us on a Sunday. We want to make sure you feel comfortable -so here are a few things to help you know what to expect.

Music and Worship
Our morning service is at 10 AM. We worship for about an hour.
We love to be together, to sing and to hear from God’s Word. We try to blend music styles, so there are often hymns and usually some contemporary praise songs.
We have a number of pianists, an organist, and a Praise Team who take turns leading the music every Sunday.
You are also welcome to join us after the morning service for coffee and tea.
We would love to get to know you!

Child Care and Sunday School
Your children are welcome at Calvary and will be well cared for. We have nursery for your little ones under 3 years old.
All year long, we have Kingdom Kids (Sunday School) during the service for preschool up to grade 3. Your children will begin the service with you and then leave part-way through for Bible stories and crafts.
We have other children and youth programs throughout the week and in the summer that are open and welcoming to the community.
Your children’s safety is important to us. We are a Plan to Protect church with approved volunteers for children and vulnerable people; we have a Safe Church policy in place.

What do I wear?
Come as you are.
On any given Sunday, we see everything from jeans and shorts to dresses and suits.
We want you to be comfortable at Calvary and be blessed as you worship.

We celebrate communion every second month as a visible and tangible expression of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross -washing us clean from sin by His shed blood. Praise God for His amazing love!
All who sincerely desire to serve Jesus are welcome to participate with us in this celebration and strengthening of our faith.
We serve gluten-free bread and grape juice.