
Psalm Reading

Read Psalm 114


Questions for Reflection
  1. What surprises, excites, or puzzles you?
  2. What are some ways you see the Psalm pointing to Jesus?
  3. What does the Psalm make you want to do in response?

Gospel Reading

Read Mark 11:27-33


Read the passage again

Questions for Reflection
  1. What surprises, excites, or puzzles you?
  2. Which character can you most relate to in this story?
  3. How does the story challenge you?



  • Ask God to challenge, shape, and fashion you through his word
  • Pray for a deeper understanding of God’s will and purposes in our world
  • Pray for our political leaders, who need a great deal of wisdom in these days
  • Pray that we, as the church, can be God’s sanctuary in our world, no matter where we find ourselves