Burning Down the Church Part III – Defining ‘Refining’

Burning Down the Church Part III – Defining ‘Refining’

The final post on this topic. As the title suggests, I want to spend time reflecting on what I am talking about when I speak of God ‘refining’ the church from the last post. A very quick look at church history makes clear that the church is far from perfect, nor is it...
Sermon FAQ – January 22, 2023 – Prayer

Sermon FAQ – January 22, 2023 – Prayer

This past Sunday’s sermon, “Following Jesus in Prayer” has generated no less than a few questions from people who attended church or watched online, which is great! I am so thankful for your questions and engagement with the message because it means...
Getting Back to “Normal”?

Getting Back to “Normal”?

As restrictions in our province continue to lift and case counts continue to go down, while vaccination rates are rising, everyone is starting to talk about things going back to “normal” in the fall. Be it schools, businesses, stores, sports, and yes, even church, many are expecting things to “return to normal” based on current trends. But what does that really mean?